Complementary Medicine

Complementary medicine is therapeutic techniques that are not part of conventional medicine .Complementary therapies are used as a "complement" or addition to conventional medicine.

Infrared sauna & Hydrotherapy

The far infrared band used in infra-red sauna is part of the sun’s invisible spectrum of light. This band of light has the ability to penetrate our skin and warm our body directly. The far infrared heat produced by Sauna is totally safe as there are none of the harmful rays of sunlight produced by our heaters, just natural healing heat.

Penetrate into your skin deeply and they dissolve harmful substances accumulated in your body. The Infrared Rays vitalize your cells and metabolism. Infrared saunas leave you feeling invigorated, not depleted like conventional saunas.

Hydrotherapy is the use of water in the treatment of different conditions, including arthritis and related rheumatic complaints. Hydrotherapy differs from swimming because it involves special exercises that you do in a warm-water pool. The water temperature is usually 33–36ºC, which is warmer than a typical swimming pool. Read more.


Dead sea mud-therapy

The Dead Sea is a salt water lake in the Middle East, bordered by Israel and the West Bank to the west, and Jordan to the East. The geographical features of the Dead Sea — including the fact that the lake is at the lowest sea level of any body of water on earth and surrounded by mountains — makes the surrounding silt and mud rich with a unique combination of minerals like magnesium, sodium, and potassium.


-Provide relief arthritis.

-Sooth chronic back pain.

-Reduce skin impurities and normalise Ph.

-Improve psoriasis, and acne. Read more


Salt room therapy

Halotherapy, or salt therapy, involves breathing in air with tiny salt particles to improve your breathing. Halotherapy is considered an alternative treatment for lung problems such as asthma, bronchitis, and cough. Halotherapy is often done in spa-like salt rooms. Read more.


Medical massage

Open during Clinic Hours

They can include: physical improvements such as relaxing tight muscles, improvements to circulation, nervous function and joint mobility; this can ease many short and long term ailments, such as back pain, arthritis and insomnia. reducing stress, one of the main causes of disease in Western society.


Megan O'Neill

Holistic Therapist & Reflexologist

Reflexology: A holistic therapy and foot treatment that involves gentle pressure applied to points on the feet related to areas of the body. It promotes balance and harmony to physical and emotional well being. It can release tension, enhance relaxation, reduce pain and symptoms of stress and anxiety.

*Maternity & Post Natal reflexology: Suitable for soon to be or new mothers who are experiencing symptoms due to pregnancy and delivery such as back, pelvic or joint pain, hormonal imbalance, low energy and emotional changes.

*Hot stone reflexology: Use of heated stones to help ease muscles, increase flexibility and mobility and encourage circulation in lower legs and feet. 

Book an appointment

Norma Psillos

Registered Nutritional Therapist Dip NT, NTOI

Accredited Menopause Educator IMS, NHMS.


We work with you to come up with the very best solutions for your challenges! Offering a personalised Individually Tailored Approach to help you achieve your goals and Optimum Health.


Weight Loss Management

Struggling with your weight? Tried every Diet?  I work with you to understand how to  understand and manage your weight.  Creating an individually tailored Nutrition Plan to help you to achieve your goals. Implementing long term sustainable changes considering  your lifestyle that will keep you on track and help you to maintain your goal weight.

Childhood Obesity is a concern in Ireland today with 1 in 4 school age children overweight. Research has shown that these children are more likely to be obese as adults and are at higher risk of co-morbid diseases  later in life such as Type 2 diabetes, Cardiovascular disease and many cancers. We can guide you to achieving  optimal weight for your child working alongside your healthcare provider.


Type 2 Diabetes and Pre Diabetes & Metabolic Disease

Do you have  Type 2 diabetes? Are you prediabetic? Has your GP  discussed Metabolic disease with you? Are you unsure of the changes you need to make to prevent or manage these conditions?

Dietary and Lifestyle Interventions can have a hugely beneficial outcome on the progression of your Diabetes.  Implementing these changes can help you to ensure better health outcomes for the future and prevent and disease progression and the complications associated with this disease.


Menstrual Health and Fertility.

Have you suffered with Menstrual Issues for a long time? Have you been diagnosed with PCOS, Endometriosis, Adenomyosis, Amenorrhea ? Do you have concerns on the long term implications on your Future Fertility?  Diet  and Lifestyle can be contributing factor to the severity of these conditions, and changes can allow you to see a real improvement in symptoms and long term menstrual health.

Planning on becoming Pregnant in the near future? Optimise your diet to support your body  prior to conception and throughout your pregnancy to give both you and your baby  the best start.

We can help you deal with various conditions such as acne, IBS, IBD , food allergies, and intolerances.

We can also work closely with patients who have recently had Cancer treatments to help them to rebuild their strength and resilience through Diet and Lifestyle.


Peri Menopause & Menopause Hormonal Health and Overall Wellbeing.

As a Female Health Advocate I can educate  you to understand the changes occurring at this time . Empowering you with the knowledge to achieve  optimum health and thrive through this transitional period of life

If you are living with Hot Flashes, night sweats, Insomnia, Irritability, Low Mood. Loss of Libido, Histamine Issues, Joint pain, Gut Issues, Heavy Irregular Periods, Weight gain to mention a few, then take back control.  Are you unsure about HRT?  We can have the discussion with the facts and cut through the myths.  Change is inevitable but Suffering doesn't have to be! Invest in yourself and book a consultation today!

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